[Math] How many times the digit 9 occurs in the sequence


A sequence is given say : 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105………, 364, 365. Now, How many times the digit 9 occurs in the above sequence?

How do I approach this kind of problems. I am preparing for my placements and one of the sections is Quantitative Aptitude. Are there good resources for such problems?

Best Answer

Systematic enumeration seems best for such a small problem.

$ {109, 119, 129,...189} = 9 $ now replace the first digit with a 2 so there are 18 of those.

${190...199} = 11$ now replace the front digit with a 2 so there are 22 of them.

$ {309, 319, 329,...359} = 6 $

$18 + 22 + 6 = 46$

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