[Math] How many spheres can fit inside this larger sphere


I would like to know if there is a way to do the following: calculate the maximal number of spheres of unit radius that can fit inside a sphere of radius 200 times the unit radius.

This is a generalisation of a question that was asked in a biology class. I was wondering if there exist some theorems on this, since I don't know how to start on it.

Best Answer

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A simple approach for producing reasonable lower bounds is to use a face-centered cubic packing or a hexagonal packing (both have the optimal density, $\frac{\pi}{2\sqrt{3}}\approx 74\%$, in the unconstrained space) and to count the number of spheres met by $x^2+y^2+z^2=(20)^2$. Recalling that the optimal packing density in the plane is $\frac{\pi\sqrt{3}}{6}$, in a sphere with radius $20$ it should be possible to pack around

$$ \frac{\pi}{2\sqrt{3}}\cdot 20^3 - \frac{\pi\sqrt{3}}{6}\cdot 4(20)^2 \approx\color{red}{5804}$$ spheres, but not many more. The estimated density is so $\approx 72.5\%$.

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