Number Theory – How Many Rationals of the Form (2^n+1)/n^2 Are Integers?

contest-mathnumber theoryproblem solving

This was Problem 3 (first day) of the 1990 IMO. A full solution can be found here.

How many rationals of the form $\large \frac{2^n+1}{n^2},$ $(n \in \mathbb{N} )$ are integers?

The possible values of $n$ that i am able to find is $n=1$ and $n=3$, so there are two solutions and this seems to be the answer to this problem.

But now we have to prove that no more of such $n$ exists, and thus the proof reduces to: Proving that $n^2$ does not divides $2^n+1$ for any $n \gt 3$.

Does anybody know how to prove this?

Best Answer

This was Problem 3 (first day) of the 1990 IMO. A full solution can be found here.