[Math] How many presentable boolean functions with n attributes are linear separable

boolean-algebralinear algebra

The aim is to find a formula for the question.

For $n=2$ i get $2^{2^n}=16$ possible functions.

This is the solution for a boolean function with 2 attributes:

01) a     ->  separable
02) b     ->  separable
03) not a    ->  separable
04) not b    ->  separable
05) a and b   ->  separable
06) a or b    ->  separable
07) a xor b   -> not separable
08) a nand b   ->  separable
09) a nor b   ->  separable
10) a xnor b   -> not separable
11) (not a) and b  ->  separable
12) a and (not b)  ->  separable
13) (not a) or b  ->  separable
14) a or (not b) ->  separable
15) (not a) xor b  -> not separable
16) a xor (not b) -> not separable

But what is the formular for n?

Best Answer

It may be easier to think in terms of linearly separable subsets of $\{0,1\}^n$ (that is, those that are cut off from the cube by a hyperplane). For $n=2$ we are looking at subsets of the vertex set of a square: the only two that are not linearly separable are the diagonals. This makes $2^{2^2}-2=14$ separable functions: all except XOR and NOT XOR.

There is no formula for general $n$, in fact only a handful of counts are known. This is the OEIS sequence A000609, labeled "hard". By the way, the Wikipedia page on linear separability references OEIS.

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