[Math] How many possible combinations/permutations for 5 letters and 5 numbers


I have been given a scenario that includes a generated code that contains 5 alphabetic characters (A-Z) and 5 numbers (0-9). When concatenated, the code looks something like:


I have tried splitting them in two and calculating the possible combinations for the letters and numbers separately but I am unsure what to use for n and r.

Best Answer

This problem depends on whether or not you can repeat letters. If you can repeat letters there are $26$ choices for each letter and $10$ choices for each digit. In such a case there are $ 26^5\times 10 ^5 $ ways.

If you can't repeat letters then we have to arrange $5$ letters from $26$ possible letters and arrange $5$ numbers from $10$ numbers (the two choices are independent). In this case there are $ P(26,5)\times P(10, 5) $ ways.