[Math] How many positive integers between 50 and 100 are divisible by 7


How many positive integers between 50 and 100

a) are divisible by 7? Which integers are these?

This question is in the basic counting section of my textbook and I'm just studying for finals now. For this question, I was wondering if there is a less primitive way of finding this answer. I did:

56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98; These answers I found by just going on with my 7's multiplications table.

The reason I'm wondering this is in case I get asked the same thing but with a much larger number such as 1000.

Best Answer

$$50 = 7 \times 7 +1$$ $$100 = 14 \times 7 +2$$ and the answer is $14-7=7$.

This is effectively what you have done, counting $8 \times 7$, $9 \times 7$, $10 \times 7$, $11 \times 7$, $12 \times 7$, $13 \times 7$, and $14 \times 7$. You will need to be more careful if either of the remainders is $0$.