[Math] How many permutations of 4 letters can be made out of the letters of the word ‘examination’


[as stated in the title]


Best Answer

We could also use generating functions (which has recently been my favorite method since I suck at identifying cases).

Consider the multiset $M=[1\text{E}, 1\text{X}, 2\text{A}, 1\text{M}, 2\text{I}, 2\text{N}, 1\text{T}, 1\text{O}]$.

The number of $4$-permutations of $M$ is the coefficient of $x^4/4!$ in the exponential expansion of

$$(1+x)^5 \left(1+x+\dfrac{x^2}{2!}\right)^3.$$

The coefficient of $x^4$ above is $409/4$. Multiplying by $4!$ we get $2454$.

The $(1+x)$ represent the letters that are not repeated, while $(1+x+x^2/2)$ represents those letters that are repeated twice.