[Math] How many odd permutation of order 4 does $S_{6}$ have


Question: How many odd permutation of order 4 does $S_{6}$ have?


there is 1 cycle of length 6-odd

1 cycle of length 4 and 1 cycle of length 2-even

2 cycle of length 3-odd

3 cycle of length 2-even

Now $S_{6}$ have order 6!=720
By the alternating group definition, 360 permutations are odd and another 360 permutations are even.

Looking at the above, the odd permutation does not have order 4.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The order of a permutation is the least common multiple of its cycle lengths. If the order is $4$, all cycle lengths must be $1$, $2$ or $4$, and at least one must be $4$. The cycle lengths must add up to $6$. That leaves the two options $4,2$ and $4,1,1$. The first is even and the second odd, so the only odd permutations of order $4$ in $S_6$ are the $4$-cycles. These can be counted by choosing the two fixed points in $\binom62$ ways and choosing one of $3!$ cyclically inequivalent orders in the $4$-cycle, for a total of $\binom62\cdot3!=90$.

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