[Math] How many numbers with distinct digits are possible product of whose digits is 28


This is a question asked in India's CAT exam: http://iimcat.blogspot.in/2013/08/number-theory-questions-and-solutions.html

How many numbers with distinct digits are possible product of whose digits is 28?

A. 6

B. 4

C. 8

D. 12

Firstly, I couldn't even understand the question because the English seems grammatically incorrect.

Secondly, I couldn't understand how the answer was arrived at either.

Two digit numbers; The two digits can be 4 and 7: Two possibilities 47 and 74
Three-digit numbers: The three digits can be 1, 4 and 7: 3! Or 6 possibilities.

We cannot have three digits as (2, 2, 7) as the digits have to be distinct.

We cannot have numbers with 4 digits or more without repeating the digits.

So, there are totally 8 numbers.

If you can't have three digits, then how can four digits even be considered? And how on earth did they eventually reach 8 numbers? What does this even mean?

ps: I considered asking on puzzling.stackexchange, but felt that it'd be more appropriate in a math forum.

Best Answer

How many numbers with distinct digits are possible product of whose digits is 28?

Best interpretation of that is "How many numbers with distinct digits are possible, when the product of those digits must be 28?"

Well, the prime factorisation of $28$ is $2^2\cdot 7^1$.   That is $28=2\cdot 14 = 4\cdot 7$.   Also, of course, anything multiplied by $1$ is itself.   (Well there's also $2\cdot 2\cdot 7$ but $[2,2,7]$ is not a list of distinct digits. )

So the only lists of distinct digits we can use are $[4, 7]$ and $[1,4,7]$.   There are $2!$ permutations of the former and $3!$ permutations of the later.   Thus we have counted $8$ possibilities.