[Math] How many numbers of $7$ digits can be formed with the digit $0,1,1,5,6,6,6$.

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

How many numbers of $7$ digits can be formed with the digit $0,1,1,5,6,6,6$.

My attempt:

Seventh place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{6!}{2!\times 3!}=60$ ways.

Sixth place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.

fifth place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.

Fourth place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.

Third place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.

Second place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.

First place, total number of possibility is $=\frac{7!}{2!\times 3!}=420$ ways.


Total possible numbers are $60\times 420\times 420\times 420\times 420\times 420\times 420 = 32934190464\times10^7$.

( Ohh, Seriously ! ).

Can you explain in formal/alternative way, please?

Best Answer

There are $7$ symbols, that can be arranged in $7!$ many ways.

However, the three $6$'s and $2$ $1$'s can be interchanged, so we have $\frac{7!}{3! 2!} = 420$ many such sequences. But I think $0$ at the start is forbidden , so we have to substract all sequences that start with $0$, of which there are $\frac{6!}{3! 2!} = 60$. That leaves 360 numbers.