[Math] How many numbers between $1$ and $6042$ (inclusive) are relatively prime to $3780$

prime numbers

How many numbers between $1$ and $6042$ (inclusive) are relatively prime to $3780$?

Hint: $53$ is a factor.

Here the problem is not the solution of the question, because I would simply remove all the multiples of prime factors of $3780$.

But I wonder what is the trick associated with the hint and using factor $53$.

Best Answer


Any number that is not co-prime with $3780$ must be divisible by at lease one of $2,3,5,7$

Let us denote $t(n)=$ number of numbers$\le 6042$ divisible by $n$






Similarly, $t(30)=\left\lfloor\frac{6042}{30}\right\rfloor=201$

and $t(2\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 7)=\left\lfloor\frac{6042}{210}\right\rfloor=28$

The number of number not co-prime with $3780$

=$N=\sum t(i)-\sum t(i\cdot j)+\sum t(i\cdot j \cdot k)-t(i\cdot j\cdot k \cdot l)$ where $i,j,k,l \in (2,3,5,7)$ and no two are equal.

The number of number coprime with $3780$ is $6042-N$

Reference: Venn Diagram for 4 Sets