[Math] How many necklaces can be made from 18 beads of 3 different colours.


How many different necklaces can be made from beads. If we have

  • 10 green beads
  • 5 red beads
  • 3 yellow beads

And we will use all the beads for creation of necklace.

Disclaimer: Not a homework question, just preparing for test

Best Answer

There are $\frac{18!}{10!\times 5!\times 3!}$ different ways to arrange the beads in a row.

To see this, start by labelling the beads to make them all different, and now there are $18!$ ways to order the different beads. However, every arrangement of unlabelled beads corresponds to $10!\times 5!\times 3!$ arrangements of the labelled beads (you can rearrange the green labels in $10!$ ways, etc.).

But we want the number of necklaces, not the number of ways to arrange the beads in a row. Now each necklace corresponds to $18$ ways of arranging the beads in a row - break the necklace at any point and start the row there. These $18$ arrangements are always all different (this is not necessarily true for a general necklace problem, but it is here). This is because if two different places, $k$ apart, to break the necklace gave the same arrangement, there would always be another red bead $k$ places after every red bead, and since $5$ and $18$ are coprime this is not possible.

Thus we have to divide the number of arrangements by $18$ to get the number of necklaces, which is therefore $\frac{17!}{10!\times 5!\times 3!}$