[Math] How many moves do I need to solve the leap frog puzzle


This is a standard puzzle that all of us have seen (and also probably appears in Conway's combinatorial game theory books).

There are $n$ green frogs and $n$ red frogs sitting on $2n+1$ lily pads in the given configuration


The frogs can only leap to an empty lilypad. They can jump over at most one frog.

The problem is to change the original configuration to


I want to show that this can be done optimally $(n+1)^2 – 1$ steps for each $n$. I tried doing this by trying to find a recurrence on $n$, but I failed.

Best Answer

To get the number of moves, look at how many spaces each frog must move. Each frog moves $n+1$ spaces, so there are a total of $2n(n+1)$ spaces moved. There are $n^2$ jumps where a frog moves two spaces, so the number of moves is $2n(n+1)-n^2=n^2+2n=(n+1)^2-1$

To prove that a frog jumping another of the same color cannot be part of the optimum solution, assume it is a green frog. We then must have GG_ with other frogs in the row. How did we get here? The first G could have jumped backwards, but then jumping forwards undoes the move and we would be better without the pair. An R could have moved backwards, but then the front G should have jumped it and we would be farther along. Finally, a G could have moved forwards, but then we had GG_ before (one space to the right) and we look at the move before that.