Combinatorics – How Many Labeled Trees Exist on n Vertices with Exactly 3 Vertices of Degree 1?

combinatoricsgraph theorytrees

My combinatorics class is covering spanning trees right now and one of the questions being asked is "What is the number of labeled trees on n vertices with exactly $3$ vertices of degree $1$?"

I've tried a couple different ways of doing this and none of them seem to work. I tried examining the degree sequence, looking at the Prüfer code as words from an $[n-3]$ length alphabet, but it seems fruitless.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: I mis-read the problem, this was first posted with at least 3 vertices of degree 1, but the actual problem states exactly 3 vertices of degree 1.

Best Answer

Here's a way to find the number. It looks like it might not be the best (Sloane's A055315 has other formulas), but it works.

Let $n$ be the number of vertices and $e=n-1$ be the number of edges.

Claim: There is exactly one vertex of degree $3$, all others have degree $2$ or $1$. (Assume otherwise, and we violate the Handshaking Lemma, which stipulates the sum of degrees is $2e=2(n-1)$.)

So, the trees look like this:

enter image description here

If we delete the degree-$3$ vertex, we obtain three components. These three components only have vertices of degree $1$ and $2$, and so must be paths. Suppose the paths have $a$, $b$ and $c$ vertices. Then $a+b+c=n-1$ and $a,b,c$ are all positive integers. Conversely, given three paths of lengths $a \geq 1$, $b \geq 1$ and $c \geq 1$ and $a+b+c=n-1$, we can join their endpoints to a new vertex to create an $n$-vertex tree with exactly three $3$ leaves.

Let $a(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n-1$ into $3$ non-zero parts; this is equivalent to Sloane's A001399 which includes the formula $$a(n)=1+\left\lfloor\frac{(n-1)^2+6(n-1)}{12}\right\rfloor$$ among others.

Given an unlabeled tree, we can label the vertices in $n!$ (not necessarily distinct) ways. In this way, we generate $a(n)\ n!$ labeled trees.

In some cases (not many), there are symmetries which need to be accounted for. Because of symmetry, in this case

enter image description here

we count every labeling twice. This happens whenever $\{a,b,c\}$ have two parts of the same size.

And in this case

enter image description here

we count every labeling six times. This happens when $\{a,b,c\}$ has all three parts of the same size.

In these cases, we'll need to add a correction.

  • In the first case: we subtract $$\sum_{a \geq 1:n-1-a \text{ is even and } \geq 2} \tfrac{1}{2}n!=\frac{\lfloor (n-2)/2 \rfloor\ n!}{2}$$ since we have double-counted the $\frac{1}{2} n!$ graphs with $b=c=\tfrac{n-1-a}{2}$.

  • In the second case: if $n-1 \equiv 0 \pmod 3$, we first "uncorrect" the first correction, so we add back in $\tfrac{1}{2}n!$ and then subtract $\frac{5}{6}n!$ since we originally counted six times the $\frac{1}{6} n!$ graphs with $a=b=c$.

This gives $$\begin{cases} a(n)\ n!-\tfrac{\lfloor (n-2)/2 \rfloor\ n!}{2} & \text{if } n-1 \not\equiv 0 \pmod 3 \\ a(n)\ n!-\tfrac{\lfloor (n-2)/2 \rfloor\ n!}{2}+\tfrac{1}{2}n!-\tfrac{1}{6} n! & \text{if } n-1 \equiv 0 \pmod 3. \end{cases}$$ in agreement with Sloane's A055315.