[Math] How many groups of seven can be chosen to work on the project assuming two team members refuse to work together on the project

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

A team has 13 members. Suppose two team members refuse to work together on project. How man groups of seven can be chosen to work on the project ?

I can not understand the solution.

$$ {11 \choose 6} + {11 \choose 6} + {11 \choose 7} $$

Best Answer

Let $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_{13}$ the members of the team, suppose that $X_1$ and $X_2$ are the two persons that refuse to work together. Then, let's to count how many ways to form groups there exist.

  • If $X_1$ is in the group, then we must choose $6$ elements from the set of $11$ members $\{X_3,\ldots,X_{13}\}$. There are $\color{red}{{11 \choose 6}}$ ways to do this.

  • If $X_2$ is in the group, we can use the same reasoning as above, giving us $\color{red}{{11 \choose 6}}$ groups.

  • Finally, if $X_1$ and $X_2$ aren't in the group we have $\color{red}{{11 \choose 7}}$ different groups.