[Math] How many four letter words can be made from the multi-set {T,E,L,E,P,H,O,N,E}

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

As the question states, how many four letter words can be made from the multi-set $\left\{T,E,L,E,P,H,O,N,E\right\}$? One condition applies, in that (EELE) is a valid four letter word but (EEEE) is not. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of placing k balls into n boxes, the general example for counting, where the k balls are the letters and boxes are the four possible places in our four letter word, but I just can't seem to form a believable answer.

Best Answer

From the word $$\left\{T,L,P,H,O,N,E,E,E\right\}$$ we count number of four leter words with no E $\binom{6}{4}4!$, with one E $\binom{6}{3}4!$, with two E $\binom{6}{2}\frac{4!}{2!}$ and with three E $\binom{6}{1}\frac{4!}{3!}$ and get
