[Math] How many four digit numbers are there such that its digits strictly ascending


How many four digit numbers are there such that its digits strictly ascending?

I got this problem from a combo and probability book, and I found that all numbers have to be $\le 6789$, but certain numbers like $6788$ don't work. How do you find how many numbers there are without going through tons of casework? I would also like a solution to the problem applied to a n-digit number.

Best Answer

Let's choose 4 distinct numbers from the set of digits $\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}.$ (Note that $0$ cannot be included in this set.) For each choice, there is a unique way by which we can relabel those 4 numbers so that they are in ascending order. (For example, if we chose the numbers $1, 2, 3,\text{ and } 8,$ then the only way we can have them in ascending order would be $1238$ and nothing else.) So we'd have $\binom{9}{4}$ 4-digit numbers whose digits are strictly increasing. Using this logic, it wouldn't be too hard to extend it to any n-digit number as long as $n<10.$