[Math] How many even numbers less than 600 can be made from the digits: 3,3,4,8,9 with each only being used once.


How many even numbers less than 600 can be made from the digits: 3,3,4,8,9 with each only being used once. I can't figure out what to do for the 3rd case where 3 digits are needed

Best Answer

We wish to find how many even numbers less than $600$ can be formed from the digits $3, 3, 4, 8, 9$ if each digit is used at most once.

Since the number is even, the units digit of each number must be $4$ or $8$.

One-digit numbers: The only possibilities are $4$ or $8$, giving us two possibilities in this case, as you found.

Two-digit numbers: If the units digit is $4$, then the tens digit can be $3$, $8$, or $9$. If the units digit is $8$, then the tens digit can be $3$, $4$, or $9$. Hence, there are six possibilities, as you found.

Three-digit even numbers: If the units digit of the even number less than $600$ is $4$, the hundreds digit must be $3$. This leaves us with three choices for the tens digit, namely $3$, $8$, or $9$. Hence, we can form three three-digit even numbers less than $600$ with units digit $4$ by using the digits $3, 3, 4, 8, 9$ at most once. They are $334$, $384$, $394$.

If the units digit of the three digit even number less than $600$ is $8$, we have two possibilities for the hundreds digit, namely $3$ or $4$. If the hundreds digit is $3$, we have three possibilities for the tens digit, namely $3$, $4$, or $9$. If the hundreds digit is $4$, we have two possibilities for the tens digit, namely $3$ or $9$. Thus, we can form five three-digit even numbers less than $600$ with units digit $8$. They are $338$, $348$, $398$, $438$, $498$.

Hence, there are a total of eight three-digit even numbers less than $600$ that can be formed with the digits $3, 3, 4, 8, 9$ if each digit is used at most once.

In all, we can form $2 + 6 + 8 = 16$ even numbers less than $600$ using the digits $3, 3, 4, 8, 9$ at most once.