[Math] how many elements are there in this field


$\mathbb Z_2[x]/\langle x^3+x^2+1\rangle $, I understand it is a field as $\langle x^3+x^2+1\rangle $ ideal is maximal ideal as the polynomial is irreducible over $Z_2$.

but I want to know how many elements are there in this field and how to find out that?

Best Answer

Lemma 1

If $F$ is a field and if $p$ is an irreducible polynomial with coefficients in $F$, then $F[x]/(p)$ is a field.


A polynomial $p\in F[x]$ is irreducible if and only if $(p)$ is a maximal ideal in $F[x]$. A quotient $R/I$ of a commutative ring $R$ by an ideal $I$ is a field if and only if $I$ is a maximal ideal in $R$. Q.E.D.

Lemma 2

In the context of Lemma 1, $F\subseteq F[x]/(p)$ so $F[x]/(p)$ is a vector space over $F$. The dimension of this $F$-vector space is $\text{deg}(p)$.


Firstly, technically $F$ is not a subset of $F[x]/(p)$. However, the canonical homomorphism $F[x]\to F[x]/(p)$ restricts to a homomorphism of $F\to F[x]/(p)$ (since $F$ is a subset of $F[x]/(p)$). Furthermore, this map $F\to F[x]/(p)$ is injective (an element of $F[x]$ is sent to $0$ under $F[x]\to F[x]/(p)$ if and only if its divisible by $p$; clearly, no constant polynomial is divisible by $p$ except $0$). Therefore, we can view $F$ as a subset (in fact, a subfield) of $F[x]/(p)$.

We claim that the set ${\cal B}=\{1+(p),x+(p),x^2+(p),\dots,x^{\text{deg}(p)-1}+(p)\}$ is a basis for $F[x]/(p)$ as an $F$-vector space. Firstly, if $q+(p)\in F[x]/(p)$ (for $q\in F[x]$), then the division algorithm implies that $q=pa+b$ for $a,b\in F[x]$ and $b=0$ or $\text{deg}(b)<\text{deg}(p)$. Since $q+(p)=b+(p)$ and $b+(p)$ is clearly in the span of ${\cal B}$, it follows that ${\cal B}$ spans $F[x]/(p)$ as an $F$-vector space.

An equation of linear dependence for ${\cal B}$ is equivalent to a polynomial $q$ of degree less than that of $p$ equalling zero in $F[x]/(p)$. If the coefficients of $q$ were non-zero, then this would be a contradiction as $p$ cannot divide any non-zero polynomial of smaller degree. Therefore, $q=0$ and ${\cal B}$ is linearly independent.

Therefore, $F[x]/(p)$ is $\text{deg}(p)$-dimensional as an $F$-vector space. Q.E.D.

Lemma 3

If $V$ is a vector space of dimension $n$ over a finite field $F$ with $k$ elements, then $V$ has $k^n$ elements.


Exercise! Q.E.D.

Exercise: What is the number of elements in $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]/(x^3+x^2+1)$?

I hope this helps!

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