[Math] How many different vertical arrangements are there of 10 flags if…

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

How many different vertical arrangements are there of 10 flags if 4 are white, 3 are blue,
2 are green and 1 is red?

I know the answer is 12 600 but am not sure how to get to it. Could someone walk me through this please?

Best Answer

This is the solution.

Suppose that all of the flags (even same-colored), are distinct. Then there are 10! ways.

Now we count how many times each arrangement is repeated since same-colored flags are considered the same. 4 white flags could be done in 4! ways (if they are distinguishable). Similar for the other colors. Thus # of repetitions is $4!\cdot3!\cdot2!\cdot1!$.

Thus we divide 10! by the number of repetitions to get $\frac{10!}{4!\cdot 3!\cdot 2!\cdot 1!}=12600$.

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