[Math] How many different Strings can I create with the characters of the String *SPEISESTAERKE*

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

How many different Strings can I create with the characters of the String SPEISESTAERKE ?

According to that post, I have tried the following. Note, that I use all the given characters at once to create all possible combinations:

$2 \times$S,
$1 \times$P,
$4 \times$E,
$1 \times$I,
$1 \times$A,
$1 \times$R,
$1 \times$K

$\binom {13}{2} \cdot \binom {11}{1} \cdot \binom {10}{4} \cdot \binom {6}{1} \cdot \binom {5}{1} \cdot \binom {4}{1} \cdot \binom {3}{1} \cdot \binom {2}{1} \cdot \binom {1}{1} = 129 729 600$

Unfortunately this is the wrong answer. The correct solution is $432 432 00$.

Question: How can I achieve the correct result?

Best Answer

We can calculate the easiest case first and then tailor the number for the purpose. We pretend the letters are all different; then, since there are 13 letters, we can obtain $13!$ words. But there are replicate ones. The "S" appears three times and the "E" appears four times. So $13!$ is $3! \times 4!$ times the number required! So the required number is $$ \frac{13!}{3!4!}. $$