[Math] How many diagonals does a regular $n$-sided polygon have


I guess the answer is: $C(n,n-3)/2$ since for $n$-sided polygon,there are $n$ vertices, and for each vertex, it cannot form diagonal with the adjacent points and itself. So, each vertex can form $n-3$ points. And half of the vertices have repeated diagonals and we need to divide by $2$.

It holds true for quadrilateral and pentagon,but why it does not fit triangles?

Best Answer

The number you have computed, $C(n,n-3)/2$, which I am interpreting as $\binom{n}{n-3}/2$ though this doesn't coincide with your argument, is too large. A different way:

We can choose any two points, except adjacent points are not allowed. There are $\binom{n}{2}$ pairs of points and $n$ pairs of adjacent points, so the answer is $\binom{n}{2}-n$.

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