[Math] How many DFA’s exist with two states over the input alphabet $\{0,1\}$


How many DFA's exist with two states over the input alphabet $\{0,1\}$?

My attempt :

Input set is given. So, we have 3 parts of DFA which we can change:

  1. Start state
  2. Transition Function
  3. Final state

Start state can be chosen as any one among 2 in 2 ways.

Transition function is from $Q \times Z$ to $Q$, where $Q$ is the set of states and $Z$ is the alphabet. $|Q| = 2$, $|Z| = 2$. So, number of possible transition functions $= 2^{2 \times 2} = 2^{4}$

Final state can be any subset of the set of states including the empty set. With $2$ states, we can have $2^2 = 4$ possible sub states.

Thus total number of DFAs possible :


Where total 40 DFA's are accepting empty language.

Can you explain in formal way, with a formula, please?

Best Answer

Your solution looks correct, If you are looking for a formula

For $k$ states and $i$ input alphabets

$$k^{ki+1}\times 2^{k}$$

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