[Math] How many combinations of groups are there possible in a set of 50 students with 10 groups of 5


Say you have $50$ students in a class. You want to divide them into $10$ groups of $5$. How many different ways can you do this?

Best Answer

First method: Sort people into ten labeled groups and then recognize that you have overcounted. There are $\binom{50}{5,5,\dots,5}=\binom{50}{5}\binom{45}{5}\binom{40}{5}\cdots\binom{10}{5}=\frac{50!}{(5!)^{10}}$ ways that you can do this. Now, we recognize that each outcome we actually counted $10!$ different times. Dividing by $10!$ corrects this mistake giving us a final total of:


Second method: As "division by symmetry" arguments can make people nervous, we can instead approach more carefully to avoid overcounting. As we have 50 distinct people, there must be some obvious way that we can label them and arrange them. I will continue based on ordering the people by height, but you could choose a different ordering if you choose.

Among the 50 people, there must be someone who is shortest. We first pick who the four other people in the shortest person's group is. This can be accomplished in $\binom{49}{4}$ ways. We then remove all of these four people along with the original shortest person from the pool of available people to be placed in groups later.

Next, among the 45 remaining people, there must be someone who is shortest. We pick the four other people in the shortest remaining person's group. This can be accomplished in $\binom{44}{4}$ ways. Continue as before removing these people from the available pool.

Repeat this process until everyone has been assigned a group. This gives a final total number of ways as:

$$\binom{49}{4}\binom{44}{4}\cdots \binom{14}{4}\binom{9}{4}$$

One can check that this answer is equal to the previous answer.