[Math] How many combinations can be made from a 10 digit number given these rules


How many combinations can be made from a 10 digit number given these rules?


  • you can only use the digits 0, 1 and 2
  • the difference between the digits can only be 0 or 1, so you can have 2222222222 or 0000000000 or 0112112100 but not 2011211221 since the difference between the digits should be equal to or less than 1.

Best Answer

Can't think of nice closed form, but here's a nice linear recursion:

Let $f_n$ be the number of combinations obeying those two rules of length n, and let $g_n$ be the number of those that end with $1$, and $h_n$ be the number that end with $0$. Note that $h_n$ is also the number of such combinations that end with $2$ because of the symmetry, so $f_n$ = $g_n + 2 \cdot h_n$.

But $g_n = f_{n-1}$, because I can always add a $1$ to the end of any such combination of length $n-1$ to get a combination of length $n$, and pulling off a $1$ from the end of such a combination of length $n$ still obeys the two rules. To get a length $n$ combination that ends with $0$, though, the preceding combination has to end with a $0$ or a $1$, so $h_n = g_{n-1} + h_{n-1}$. So, we get $$f_n = f_{n-1} + 2 \cdot \left( g_{n-1} + h_{n-1} \right) \\ = 2 \cdot f_{n-1} + g_{n-1} \\ = 2 \cdot f_{n-1} + f_{n-2}$$