[Math] How many arrangements of INSTITUTIONAL have all of the following properties simultaneously


How many arrangements of INSTITUTIONAL have all of the following properties simultaneously:
a. No consecutive T's
b. The 2 N's are consecutive
c. Vowels in alphabetical order

I'm studying for a test and am pretty sure this question is going to stump me. I know I need to handle the N's as a single letter (NN), but I'm not sure how to handle the alphabetical order of vowels.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer

First place the vowels in alphabetical order.


We now have $3$ $T$'s, $1$ $S$, $1$ $L$ and the $2$ $N$'s (which we shall treat as a group as you suggest).

We will first place the group of $N$'s, the $S$ and the $L$ as they have no restrictions on them.

There are $7$ gaps we can put the $S$ in.

There are $8$ gaps where we can then put the $L$.

Then there are $9$ gaps where we can put the two $N$'s. (sorry for forgetting this last time perhaps confusing you).

Then $10 \cdot 9 \cdot 8$ ways to place the $T$'s. But we have to divide this number by $3!$ as the $T$'s are not distinguishable. So $5 \cdot 3 \cdot 8=\binom{10}{3}\binom{10}{7}$ is the actual number.

So our final result is $7 \cdot 8 \cdot 9 \cdot (5 \cdot 3 \cdot 8)=60480$.

I'm SO sorry for getting it wrong last time. I have a weakness for overlooking things in combinatorics :).