[Math] How many arrangements are there of the word POISONS so that no two vowels are together


I actually have 3 questions to ask. You just have to say if my solution is right or not.

First question:

How many arrangements are there of the word POISONS so that no two vowels are together?

I tried:

$\frac {5!}{2!} * C(6, 3) * \frac {3!}{2!}$

Second question:

How many ways are there to place 65 different fish into 5 bowls so that each bowl has exactly 13 fish?

I tried:

P(65, 13) * P(52, 13) * P(39, 13) * P(26, 13) * P(13, 13)

Third question:

How many ways are there to distribute 13 identical blue balls and 2 identical red balls into 5 boxes with no box containing more than 1 red ball?

I tried:

C(5, 2) * C(17, 4)

Best Answer

For the first question:

First place the consonants in the following way $$-P-S-N-S-,$$ so, this can be done in $$4!/2!=12$$ ways. Now place the vowels in the gaps, so this can be done in $$\frac{\binom 53 \times 3!}2=30$$ ways. So, the total number of way is $$\bbox[border:2px solid red] {12\times 30=360}$$ ways.

Note: here is similar answer.

For the second one:

The order of the fishes is irrelevant, so, answer is $$\bbox[border:2px solid red] {\binom {65}{13}\times\binom {52}{13}\times\binom {39}{13}\times\binom {23}{13}\times\binom {13}{13}\\=\frac{65!}{(13!)^5}}$$

For the third one:

Here I assume that the boxes are distinct. So, you have only to count the number of blue balls in one box.

Let, $b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5$ be the three box, and define $x_i$ as the number of balls in the $i^{th}$ box. So, you have to count the number of solutions to the equation $$\sum_{i=1}^5 x_i=13,$$ which is $$\binom{17}{4}.$$ And now choose any $2$ box out of $5$ to keep the $2$ red balls, in $\binom 52$ ways, so, number of ways is $$\bbox[border:2px solid red] {\binom{17}{4}\times \binom 52}$$