[Math] How many 9 letter strings are there that contain at least 3 vowels

binomial-coefficientscombinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

I'm studying for my exams and stuck on this one question.

The way I'm thinking of doing this is by:

$$26^9 – \binom{26}3-\binom{26}2-\binom{26}1-\binom{26}0= 5,429,503,676,728$$

But that seems very, very wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

One way to see that it’s almost certainly wrong is to notice that it doesn’t in any way take into account the fact that there are $5$ vowels. On the other hand, the idea of starting with all $26^9$ strings and throwing out the ones with fewer than $3$ vowels is good. Specifically, you want to throw out the ones that have $0,1$, or $2$ vowels. (You went a step too far.)

There are $5$ vowels and $21$ consonants, so there are $21^9$ strings composed entirely of consonents $-$ i.e., with $0$ vowels.

To make a string with exactly $2$ vowels, you must choose which $2$ of the $9$ positions are to be filled with vowels, then choose vowels for those $2$ positions, and finally choose consonants for the other $7$ positions. You can do that in $\binom92\cdot5^2\cdot21^7$ ways.

How many ways are there to make a string with exactly one vowel?