[Math] How many 7-digit even numbers less than 3000000 can be formed using all the digits 1,2,2,3,5,5,6


I've somewhat got this question down but I'm only half way.

How many $7$-digit even numbers less than $3,000,000$ can be formed using all the digits $1,2,2,3,5,5,6$?

So I figured that there's about $4$ possible approaches

$1$ _ _ _ _ _ $6$
$1$ _ _ _ _ _ $2$
$2$ _ _ _ _ _ $6$
$2$ _ _ _ _ _ $2$

How do I fill in the middle? I tried $5!$ and dividing out the similar factorials but I didn't get the right answer .

Best Answer

It appears that both previous answers missed that the number was to be even. So the real count is 5!/2! + 5!/2!/2! + 5!/2! + 5!/2! = 210