[Math] How many 5 digits numbers are there, whose digits sum to 22


How many 5 digits numbers are there, whose digits sum to 22? Of course the first digit has to be larger than 0.

Best Answer

The objects you are counting may be placed into bijection with solutions to $$x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4+x_5=22$$ such that $0\le x_i\le 9$ and also $x_1\ge 1$. Via the substitution $x_1'=x_1-1$, we may instead solve $$x_1'+x_2+x_3+x_4+x_5=21$$ such that the variables are nonnegative integers, and also $x_1\le 8, x_i\le 9$ ($2\le i\le 5$).

Without the upper bound restriction, using stars and bars, there are ${26 \choose 22}$ solutions. Now we must consider the various upper bounds, using inclusion-exclusion. Let $A_1$ denote the set of solutions where $x_1'>8$, and $A_i$ denote the set of solutions where $x_i\ge 10$. By considering the substitution $x_1''=x_1-9\ge 0$, we have $$x_1''+x_2+x_3+x_4+x_5=12$$ Again using the stars-and-bars approach, we have $|A_1|={17\choose 13}$. If instead we want $x_2\ge 10$, we use the substitution $x_2'=x_2-10\ge 0$ and $$x_1'+x_2'+x_3+x_4+x_5=11$$ and so $|A_2|={16\choose 12}$. By symmetry, $|A_3|=|A_4|=|A_5|$.

To complete the problem, you also need to compute all the various $|A_1\cap A_2|$ and $|A_2\cap A_3|$, and then combine all the data using the inclusion-exclusion principle, which I leave for you as an exercise.