[Math] how many 5 digit numbers are there with distinct digits


I found this question on gre forum, it's answer was given by this expression:

$9\cdot9\cdot8\cdot7\cdot6$ which I heard in school as well.

What I tried to do was:

for numbers from index $4$ to index $1$, we can use any of the $10$ numbers $(0-9)$ once so I got this result, $10C4\cdot4$! Now for the first index, it can be not $0$ and $4$ less number or $3$ less number to choose from depending upon whether we are selecting $0$ or not.

I know it is wrong, what Can anyone point out what is wrong with this approach?

Best Answer

This approach is quite hard because of "4 less or 3 less depending upon whether we selected 0 or not" part.

Try to start with the first digit instead. How many choices have you there? How many choices left for the next one? And so on...