[Math] How many 32 digit binary number combinations are possible


How many 32 digit binary number combinations are possible?

For example:

Well, we can easily convert the last number to decimal to get the number of combinations and the answer would be $2^{32}$ combinations. But I need a general explanation with respect to general concepts like probability, permutations or combinations, as to how we get $2^{32}$ combinations.

P.S. I am not a mathematician. So, please try to explain in a simple way. Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

For each bit (binary digit) that you have, there are two possibilities: Either it can be a zero, or it can be a one.

Therefore, if you have one bit, you have two possible numbers. If you have two bits, each of them can be either a zero or a one, and since there are two possibilities for the first, and two possibilities for the second, there are $2^2 = 4$ total possibilities.

Similarly, if you have some number $n$ of bits, each of them can be a zero or a one, and there will therefore be $2^n$ possibilities.

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