[Math] How many 3-digit positive integers can be formed using the digit 0,1,2,3,4 and 5

combinationsdiscrete mathematicspermutations

  1. No repetition of digits?
  2. With repetition?
  3. If the integer must be greater than 400? (no repetition)
  4. If the integer must be even?
  5. If the integer must be odd?
  6. If the integer must be divisible by 5? (no repetition)
  7. If the integer must be divisible by 10> (no repetition)

I need you help!
Please add a solution so i can understand it

Best Answer

I'll answer only some of those questions since they look a lot like homework and no personal work is shown.

1) you can choose the first digit in $5$ ways ($6$ ways if a leading $0$ is allowed), the second digit in $5$ ways (the $4$ digits not used for the first digit and $0$) and the last digit in $4$ ways, so we have a total of $5\times5\times4$ ways without leading $0$ and $6\times5\times4$ with leading $0$

2) if a leading $0$ is allowed you can pick every digit in $6$ ways for a total of $6^3$ ways, if a leading $0$ is not allowed then there are $5\times6^2$ ways (can you see why?)

6) A number is divisible by 5 when its last digit is either $5$ or $0$, so we can pick the last digit in $2$ ways, the second digit in $6$ ways and the first in $5$ or $6$ ways depending on whether leading zeros are allowed, for a total of $2\times6^2$ ways with leading zeros and $2\times5\times6$ without

numbers $4$,$5$ and $7$ can be solved exactly like number $6$ by limiting the last digit to few possibilities, number $3$ is slightly different but you can solve it if you think about the constraints that need to be put on the digits