[Math] How many $3$-digit numbers can be formed so that the sum of two digits will be equal to the third digit


How many $3$-digit numbers can be formed so that the sum of two digits will be equal to the third digit?

I am confused in this question whether to take first 2 digits sum or any digit sum such that it is equal to 3rd digit.

For example, some combinations 112 can be written into 3 ways 112 112 121
such that in the last

Example 3rd number and first number sum = 2 (middle number).

Also, is there any better approach towards this problem rather than counting and arranging the 3 digit number?

Best Answer

To write the problem in somewhat mathematical terms, we have three digits $d_1 \in \{1, \dots, 9\}$, $d_2,d_3 \in \{0, 1, \dots, 9\}$ that form a $3$-digit number $$x = d_1 \cdot 10^2 + d_2 \cdot 10 + d_3$$ Now, we want to find all possible values of $x$ such that at least one of the following holds:

  • $d_1 + d_2 = d_3$,
  • $d_1 + d_3 = d_2$,
  • $d_2 + d_3 = d_1$

Let's start with the first condition. We may pick $d_1$ freely, which gives us $9$ options. However, since $d_3 \in \{0, 1, \dots, 9\}$, we must always choose $d_2 \in \{0, \dots, 9-d_1\}$. Hence: $$\# \{ x \mid d_1 + d_2 = d_3\} = \sum_{d_i = 1}^{9}(10-d_i) = 45$$ The same reasoning holds for the second condition: $$\# \{ x \mid d_1 + d_3 = d_2\} = \sum_{d_i = 1}^{9}(10-d_i) = 45$$ However, the last condition is different! We pick $d_2$ freely which gives us $10$ options, and we must choose $d_3 \in \{0, \dots, 9-d_2\}$. However, we also have to exclude one case: $d_2 = d_3 = 0$, because then $d_1$ would also be $0$. Hence: $$\# \{ x \mid d_2 + d_3 = d_1\} = \sum_{d_i = 0}^{9}(10-d_i)-1 = 54$$ We now have $45 + 45 + 54 = 144$ numbers $x$ such that either of the conditions hold. However, some numbers are counted twice. It is easy to see that a number is counted twice if and only if $d_i = d_j$ and $d_k = 0$ for $i,j,k$ being some permutation of $1,2,3$. Since $d_1 \neq 0$, the multiples we need to discard are those of the form $d_2 = 0$ or $d_3 = 0$. There are $9$ of each ($d0d$ and $dd0$ with $d = 1, \dots, 9$), so we remove $18$ multiples. There is no number for which all $3$ conditions hold, since that would require $d_1 = d_2 = d_3 = 0$.

The solution is then: $$\#\{x\} = 144- 18 = 126.$$