[Math] How many 11-digit numbers are there which contain all of the digits 0-9 at least once

discrete mathematics

How many $11$-digit numbers are there which contain all of the digits $0$$9$ at least once?

Note that in this question a number cannot begin with a digit of $0$.

My instructor explained this as a case problem, but rushed through it without pausing for questions. The answer ended up being $99 \times (10!/2!)$, but I have no idea how to get there!

Best Answer

My thinking: When you have 11 items in which 9 are unique and 2 are the same numeral repeated, then that can be arranged in $\frac{11!}{2!}$ ways. Then, there are 10 different choices for which numeral is repeated. So we have $\frac{10\times11!}{2!}$. Finally, one tenth of these arrangements should have 0 as its first digit and those don't count. So we need to multiply by $\frac{9}{10}$


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