[Math] How long time will it take to sort $10^6$ numbers and $10^9$ numbers for two algorithms if they take the same time to sort $1000$ numbers

algorithmscomputer science

Question We are given two sorting algorithms. The running time of Algorithm $1$ is $O(n^2)$ while Algorithm $2$ has running time $O(n \cdot log (n))$. Assume that Algorithm $1$ and Algorithm $2$ take $1$ second to sort out $1000$ numbers. How long time would it take for each algorithm to sort out a) $10^6$ numbers b) $10^9$ numbers?

Comments I realize this may be a simple question, but I'm just starting this material. A hint or a full answer would be appreciated.

Best Answer

As it is stated, the answer is "we don't know". It follows from the $O(\cdot)$ notation — roughly speaking, you don't have enough information to infer anything. You only know the asymptotic behavior, and not even the constants.

Algorithm 1 might very well be as fast as Algorithm 2 as long as $n$ is less than, say, $10^{10}$, and then break down.

Even worse, the big-Oh notation is only an upper bound. For all we known, both could have the same running time $O(n\log n)$, since if Algorithm 1 had running time $O(n\log n)$, it would also trivially have running time $O(n^2)$.

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