Abstract Algebra – How Quotient Group Relates to Direct Product Group


I'm trying to understand what the relation is between the direct product and the quotient group.

If we let $H$ be a normal subgroup of a group $G$, then it is not too difficult to show that the set of all cosets of $H$ in $G$ forms a quotient group $G/H$:
G/H = \{ g H \mid g \in G \}

On the other hand, the Cartesian product of two groups $G$ and $H$ is defined as:
G \times H = \{ (g,h) \mid g \in G \text{ and } h \in H \}
where $(g,h)$ denotes the set of ordered pairs. The direct product operation on this set is defined as:
(g_1,h_1)(g_2,h_2) = (g_1g_2,h_1h_2) \in G \times H
and it is easy to see that the direct product forms a group.

Is the following statement true:
K = G \times H \implies G \simeq K / (\{e_G \} \times H)
If so, under what conditions is it true? And how can we see it is true (or false)?

Edit 26/03:

Up to this point, I believe I have found a method (see below) of showing the isomorphism relation. I would be really grateful if someone could tell me whether this proof is correct or not.

Let us identity the elements of $h \in H$ with element of $K$ by setting $h \equiv (e_G,h)$. The elements of $K/H$ are as usual defined by:
K/H = \{ (g,h) H \mid g \in G \text{ and } h \in H \}
Since $h_1H=H$ for some $h_1 \in H$, we have:
(g,h)H = (g',h')H \iff g=g' \text{ and } h' = h h_1 \tag{1}
and so without loss of generality we can write every element of $K/H$ in the form $(g,e_H)H$. Now, let the map:
f : G \to K/H
be defined by:
f(g) = (g,e_H) H \tag{2}
The map is one-to-one. This can be seen by equation $(1)$, because if:
f(g) = f(g')
(g,e_H) H = (g',e_H) H \implies g=g'
Furthermore, the map is trivially onto:
\forall (g,h) H \in K/H \; \exists \; g \in G \; , \; f(g)=(g,h) H
and thus the map is bijective. Finally, the map is also a homomorphism, because:
f(gg') = (gg',e_H) H = (g,e_H)(g',e_H) H = (g,e_H)(g',e_H) HH = (g,e_H) H (g',e_H) H = f(g) f(g')
and so $f$ is a isomorphism. Thus, by definition of equation $(2)$, we have shown that $G \simeq K/H$.

Any input is much appreciated.

Best Answer

Your solution is not wrong but it has unnecassary steps. You can simply use following arguments.

Let $\pi:G\times H\to G$ be projection map .i.e. $\pi(g,h)=g$. It is clear that map is onto.

Claim$1:$ $\pi$ is an homomorphism;

$$\pi((g_1,h_1)(g_2,h_2))=\pi((g_1g_2,h_1h_2))=g_1g_2=\pi((g_1,h_1))\pi((g_2,h_2))$$ and since it is onto map it is an epimorphism.

Claim$2$: $Ker(\pi)=e_G\times H$

Let $\pi(x,y)=e_g$ then you can say that $x=e_g$ and $y$ is any element in $H$ so result follows. By the way it also show that $e_G\times H$ is normal in $G\times H$.

Result: By first isomorphim theorem; $$(G\times H)/ker(\pi)=(G\times H)/(e_G\times H)\cong G$$

Notes: By using the other projection you can show smiliar argument for $G\times e_H$ and $H$. I hope you are familiar with isomorphism theorems.

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