[Math] How is addition and multiplication of step functions defined


I'm going through "Calculus" by Tom Apostol. And I'm in this section:

enter image description here

I think the book assumes that from the example I can extrapolate how the graph for any addition of step functions is done; nonetheless, I don't understand that example. So a problem arises now that I have to do the first exercise.

enter image description here

So, when I'm going to do $a)$ I know how to graph $\lfloor x \rfloor$ and $\lfloor 2x \rfloor$, I even know how to do the common refinement, but not the graph of $\lfloor 2x \rfloor$+$\lfloor x \rfloor$ itself.

enter image description here

So, do you think you can tell me how step functions are added and multiplied? thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Looks like you have the right idea. You divide the domain into sub-intervals, and evaluate in each sub-interval.

$f(x) + g(x) = \begin {cases} -3-6 = 7 & -3 \le x < -2.5\\-3-5 = 6 & -2.5 \le x < -2\\-2-4 = 5 & -2 \le x < -1.5\\&\vdots\end{cases}$

$f(x)g(x) = \begin {cases} (-3)(-6) = 18 & -3 \le x < -2.5\\(-3)(-5) = 15 & -2.5 \le x < -2\\(-2)(-4) = 8 & -2 \le x < -1.5\\&\vdots\end{cases}$

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