[Math] How is a doubly twisted cylinder different from a cylinder


Imagine bending a square sheet of paper and gluing two opposite edges together. The most natural way to do this results in a cylinder with open ends. Call this object $C_0$. If one twists the sheet one half turn ($180^{\circ}$) and glues the edges, one obtains a Mobius band. Call that object $C_1$. It's easy to imagine object $C_n$ with $n$ twists.

Notice that $C_n$ is homeomorphic to $C_m$ whenever $m-n$ is even, since the gluing identifications are the same. In particular, $C_0$ and $C_2$ are homeomorphic. Thus, topologically, $C_0$ and $C_2$ are equivalent. But intuitively, they strike me as different: one cannot continuously deform $C_0$ into $C_2$ without ripping the paper or some such thing.

My (soft) question: what's the best way to understand this difference between $C_0$ and $C_2$?

I'm clearly thinking of $C_0$ and $C_2$ as embeddings of $S^1\times[0,1]$ into $\mathbb{R}^3$. I think one can describe the difference between $C_0$ and $C_2$ as a difference between their embedding maps — they're not homotopic in some way. (I'm not sure exactly how to formulate the non-equivalence of the embeddings.) But does one even need to refer to embeddings to capture the difference between $C_0$ and $C_2$?
Intuitively, it seems to me the difference is largely, if not completely, independent of the space in which they're embedded. I'm inspired by the beautiful way manifold theory is built up without ever needing to describe the manifold as embedded in a higher dimensional space. Can one distinguish between $C_0$ and $C_2$ without embedding them, or at least showing that the distinction is independent of the space in which they're embedded?

Best Answer

Perhaps the equivalence relation you want is "isotopic", which briefly means "homotopic through homeomorphisms". More precisely, you want to know whether there is an isotopy from $C_0$ to $C_2$, which by definition is a continuous function $H : C_0 \times [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}^3$ such that $H(x,0)=x$, $H | C_0 \times \{t\}$ is a homeomorphism onto its image for each $t \in [0,1]$, and $H(C_0)=C_2$.

The boundary of $C_m$ when $m$ is even is a 2-component link which I'll denote $L_m$. As it turns out, given unequal even integers $m,n$ the links $L_m,L_n$ are not isotopic, and therefore the twisted cylinders $C_m,C_n$ are not isotopic. The reason is that for any 2-component link there is an isotopy invariant called the linking number. One can compute for each even number $m$ that the linking number of $L_m$ equals $m/2$ (see the picture on that web page which shows $C_8$).

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