Fundamental Theorem of Algebra – How Fundamental Is It?

abstract-algebracomplex numberspolynomialsterminology

Despite its name, its often claimed that the fundamental theorem of algebra (which shows that the Complex numbers are algebraically closed – this is not to be confused with the claim that a polynomial of degree n has at most n roots) is not considered fundamental by algebraists as it's not needed for the development of modern algebra. My question is – what are the major uses of the theorem, and to which extent can they justify the claim that the theorem is fundamental for something?

An example I think of is the Jordan canonical form for matrices, but I don't think it suffices.

Best Answer

I can immediately think of four important areas for which the FTA is actually quite fundamental. Maybe other people may come up with more contributions.

  1. Algebraic Geometry (as already touched in Agusti Roig's answer). In particular, we should couple the FTA with Lefschetz's Principle which basically says that the complex projective space is sort of "universal" environment for algebraic geometry in characteristic 0.

  2. Classification of algebraic structures over local or global fields, where one uses constantly that $\Bbb C$ has no non trivial finite extensions (a trivial consequence of the FTA)

  3. The theory of representations of groups, where the TFA plays a big role making the theory of complex representations simpler.

  4. Galois theory and algebraic number theory, where the FTA allows to realize $\Bbb C$ as a good environment for studying finite extensions of $\Bbb Q$ (such in the basic resut that a number field of degree $n$ always admits $n$ independent embedings into $\Bbb C$) and allowing the use of the "geometry of numbers" (Minkowski's theorem) to prove important arithmetic results such as the finiteness of the class number and the structure of the units (Dirichlet's theorem)

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