[Math] How fill in this multiplication table


The following multiplication table was given to me as a class exercise. I should have all the necessary information to fill it completely in. However, I'm not sure how to take advantage of the relations I am given to fill it in?

The Question

A group has four elements $a,b,c$ and $d$, subject to the rules $ca = a$ and $d^2 = a$. Fill in the entire multiplication table.

\cdot & a & b & c & d \\ \hline
a& & & & \\
b& & & & \\
c& a & & & \\
d& & & & a

I imagine I might proceed like this:

To find $ab$, write $a = d^2$ and thus $ab = d^2b = db\cdot b$….but my chain of reasoning always stops around here.

Best Answer

As Gerry Myerson said, first identify the identity element; you have enough information to do this. Identifying it will let you fill in its row and it column in the table. Then use the fact that up to isomorphism there are only two groups of order $4$, the cyclic group of order $4$ and the Klein $4$-group; the fact that $d^2=a$ is important for deciding which one you have.