[Math] How does one refute this ultrafinitist argument


From Wikipedia:

Edward Nelson criticized the classical conception of natural numbers because of the circularity of its definition. In classical mathematics the natural numbers are defined as $0$ and numbers obtained by the iterative applications of the successor function to $0$. But the concept of natural number is already assumed for the iteration. In other words, to obtain a number like $2\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 6$ one needs to perform the successor function iteratively, in fact exactly $2\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 6$ times to $0$.

Like most people, I am not an ultrafinitist. However, I do not quite know how to refute this argument. What are some criticisms of it?

Best Answer

I am agnostic about most questions of the philosophy of mathematics, but in this case, I think Nelson's argument is incoherent: a primitive shepherd who doesn't have any abstract concept of number can count sheep being herded into a fold by making marks on a stick and count the sheep out again by crossing the marks off (and this is how our human notions of cardinal numbers probably developed). There is no circularity involved.

To talk meaningfully about notations like $2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 6$, you must have admitted a notion of definition by recursion that (as an ultrafinitist) Nelson can't accept. It seems to be me to be incoherent for an ultrafinitist to say anything more than "I can't accept that a primitive shepherd could ever have enough sticks".

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