[Math] How does Munkres prove that lower limit topology is finer than the standard topology on $\mathbb{R}$


The proof in question (from the book "Topology" by Munkres):

Let $\mathcal T$ and $\mathcal T_\mathscr{l}$ be the standard and lower limit topology on $\mathbb R$ respectively. Given a basis element $(a,b)$ for $\mathcal T$ and a point $x\in (a,b)$, the basis element $[x,b)$ for $\mathcal T_\mathscr{l}$ contains $x$ and lies in $(a,b)$. Conversely, given the basis element $[x,d)$ for $\mathcal T_\mathscr{l}$, there is no open interval in $\mathcal T$ that contains $x$ and lies in $[x,d)$. Thus $\mathcal T_\mathscr l$ is strictly finer than $\mathcal T$.

There was a question on it before, but his actual proof was never addressed. I understand the proof involving the union of an infinite collection of sets. However, I don't get how the above proof proves that all elements of the latter topology are in the former, which as I understand is the definition of a finer topology.

Best Answer

Of $O\in\mathcal{T}$, then $O$ can be written as the union of intervals of the type $(a,b)$. Each interval $(a,b)$, in turn, can be written as$$\bigcup_{x\in(a,b)}[x,b),$$which belongs to $\mathcal{T}_1$. Therefore, $O\in\mathcal{T}_1$.