[Math] How does linear algebra help with computer science

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I'm a Computer Science student. I've just completed a linear algebra course. I got 75 points out of 100 points on the final exam. I know linear algebra well. As a programmer, I'm having a difficult time understanding how linear algebra helps with computer science?

Can someone please clear me up on this topic?

Best Answer

The page Coding The Matrix: Linear Algebra Through Computer Science Applications (see also this page) might be useful here.

In the second page you read among others

In this class, you will learn the concepts and methods of linear algebra, and how to use them to think about problems arising in computer science.

I guess you have been giving a standard course in linear algebra, with no reference to applications in your field of interest. Although this is standard practice, I think that an approach in which the theory is mixed with applications is to be preferred. This is surely what I did when I had to teach Mathematics 101 to Economics majors, a few years ago.

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