[Math] How does ‘even though’ relate to in logic

boolean-algebradiscrete mathematicslogic

Lets say I have something like this:

Define the propositional variable:

• b : Joe has maintained a B average.

• c : Joe has received below a C in a class.

• h : Joe is eligible for the honors program.

Translate the following sentence into logical propositions. For
example the statement: ”If Joe has maintained an B average, then he
is eligible for the honors program” would be translated as b → h .

Joe has maintained a B average even though he did receive a grade
below a C in a class.

How does the 'even though' translate into logic? I think that it would be and $∧$ and so the expression would be:

$$b\space∧\space c$$

but I am not certain.

Best Answer

You're right - $\wedge$ is the correct interpretation. English statements such as "even though", "however", "but", and "yet" all have usages that contrast facts, but they are all translated to "and" in propositional logic.

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