Number Theory – How a Class Group Measures the Failure of Unique Factorization

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I have been stuck with a severe problem from last few days. I have developed some intuition for my-self in understanding the class group, but I lost the track of it in my brain. So I am now facing a hell.

The Class group is given by $\rm{Cl}(F)=$ {Fractional Ideals of F} / {Principle fractional Ideals of F} , ($F$ is a quadratic number field) so that we are actually removing the Principal fractional ideals there (that's what I understood by quotient group). But how can that class group measure the failure of Unique Factorization ?

For example a common example that can be found in any text books is $\mathbb{Z[\sqrt{-5}]}$
in which we can factorize $6=2\cdot3=(1+\sqrt{-5})(1-\sqrt{-5})$. So it fails to have unique factorization. Now can someone kindly clarify these points ?

  • How can one construct $\rm{Cl}(\sqrt{-5})$ by using the quotient groups ?
  • What are the elements of $\rm{Cl}(\sqrt{-5})$ ? What do those elements indicate ? ( I think they must some-how indicate the residues that are preventing the $\mathbb{Z[\sqrt{-5}]}$ from having a unique factorization )

  • What does $h(n)$ indicate ? ( Class number ). When $h(n)=1$ it implies that unique factorization exists . But what does the $1$ in $h(n)=1$ indicate. It means that there is one element in the class group , but doesn't that prevent Unique Factorization ?


I am interested in knowing whether are there any polynomial time running algorithms that list out all the numbers that fail to hold the unique factorization with in a number field ?

I am expecting that may be Class group might have something to do with these things. By using the class group of a number field can we extract all such numbers ? For example, if we plug in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$ then we need to have $6$ and other numbers that don't admit to a unique factorization.

Please do answer the above points and save me from confusion .

Thank you.

Best Answer

There are various ways to interpret how class groups measure (non)unique factorization. For example, Carlitz (1960) showed that the class group has order at most $2$ iff all factorizations of a nonzero nonunit into irreducibles have the same number of factors. Narkiewicz posed the problem of generalizing this, i.e. devising arithmetical characterizations of class groups. Following is one such characterization, due to J. Kaczorowski, Colloq. Math. 48 (1984), no. 2, 265-267.

Let $\,\cal O\,$ denotes the ring of integers of an algebraic number field. An algebraic integer $\rm\,a\in \cal O\,$ is said to be completely irreducible if it is irreducible and $\rm\,a^n\,$ has a unique factorization for all $\rm\,n\in \Bbb N.\,$ Let $\rm\ {\rm ord}\, a\ $ be the least $\rm\,n\in \Bbb N\,$ such that the length of any factorization of $\rm\,ab\,$ is $\rm\,\le n\,$ for any completely irreducible $\rm\,b\in \cal O.\:$ A sequence of nonassociate algebraic integers $\rm\,a_1,\ldots, a_k\,$ is said to be good if each $\rm\,a_i\,$ is completely irreducible but not prime, and their product $\rm\, a_1\cdots a_k\,$ factors uniquely. Suppose that $\rm\,a_1,\ldots,a_k\,$ is a good sequence having maximal $\rm\,\prod {\rm ord}\,a_i.\,$ Then $\cal O$ has class group $\,\rm\cong C({\rm ord}\, a_1\!) \oplus \cdots \oplus C({\rm ord}\,a_k\!),\:$ where $\rm \,C(n) \cong $ cyclic group of order $\rm\,n.\,$ A proof can be found in Chapter $9$ of Narkiewicz's book Elementary and Analytic Theory of Algebraic Numbers.

Similar results were also published by F. Halter-Koch, and D.E. Rush around the same time. Since then these results have been generalized and abstracted into a powerful theory of nonunique factorization in Krull monoids. Search on said authors and Geroldinger to learn more.

Below is Geroldinger's summary of this line of research, from a paper in Jnl. Algebra 1990

Almost $20$ years ago, W. Narkiewicz posed the problem to give an arithmetical characterization of the ideal class group of an algebraic number field ([13, problem 32]). In the meantime there are various answers to this question if the ideal class group has a special form. (cf. [4], [5], [12] and the literature cited there).

The general case was treated by J. Koczorowski [11], F. Halter-Koch [8], [9, §5] and D. E. Rush [16]. In principle they proceed in the following way: they considera finite sequence $(a_i)_{i=1\ldots r}$ of algebraic integers, requiring a condition of independence and a condition of maximality. Thereby the condition of independence guarantees that the ideal classes $g_i$ of one respectively all prime ideals $g_i$ appearing in the prime ideal decomposition of $a_i$ are independent in a group theoretical sense. The invariants of the class group are extracted from arithmetical properties of the $a_i$’s, and the condition of maximality ensures that one arrives at the full class group but not at a subgroup.