[Math] how do you define the decimals indicator: E-3


Sorry for the terrible question, but how do you define E-3, which is used in the calculators to indicate that the first 3 decimals in the number are not displayed ?

0.000563 = 5.63E-3

I need to write in my thesis something like: "Please, pay attention that the values are shifted by 3 decimals".


Best Answer

It depends on what you're writing about. It's probably easier to just write $5.63\times10^{-3}$ in the place of $0.00563$ in a math text. If you really don't want to write the $\times10^{-3}$ (for example, in a table), just say "please note that the values in this table represent the error(or whatever they represent) divided by $1000$."

If you're writing about something physical that has units (for example, distance) write: "Measurement is in millimeters" or "Measured in $\text{mm}$."