[Math] How do we know a linear code have even weight


In coding theory, How do we know a linear code have even weight?

For example, we have a linear code (12,3,6), how to identify each word of it get even weight?

Best Answer

In every linear binary code,


all the codewords have even weight


half the codewords have even weight and half have odd weight

So, if if your question is "How can we tell whether a linear binary code has codewords of even weight or not?" then you have nothing to worry about because all linear binary codes have codewords of even weight.

On the other hand, if your question is "How can we tell whether all the codewords in a linear binary code have even weight?" then some work is needed. One dead giveaway is that if by $[n,k,d]$ is meant a linear binary code of length $n$ with $2^k$ codewords and minimum distance $d$, then the code has codewords of odd weight whenever $d$ is odd. However, when $d$ is even, one cannot say that there are no codewords of odd weight. Consider, for example, the $[5,2,2]$ code with codewords $$00000, 11000, 00111, 11111$$ So, when $d$ is even, we need more information about the code to figure out whether the code has only even-weight codewords.

Here is a $[12,3,6]$ code in which all the codewords have even weight. its generator matrix is given by $$G = \begin{bmatrix}111&111&000&000\\000&000&111&111\\000&111&111&000\end{bmatrix}$$ Can you figure out a relationship between this code and the $[4,3,2]$ code consisting of all even-weight binary vectors of length $4$?

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