[Math] How do we calculate the upper sum and lower sum of an Integral

calculusdefinite integralsintegration

How do we calculate the Upper and Lower Sum of an Integral?

I am trying to calculate it to for :

$$\int_1^2 (3-4x) dx$$

Is there a Formula?

Best Answer

Upper and lower sums can only be computed explicitly for special examples, like the example in question, or for an exponential function. For the example at hand do the following: Partition the interval $[1,2]$ into $N$ equal parts $I_k:=[x_{k-1},x_k]$ with $$x_k:=1+{k\over N}\qquad(0\leq k\leq N)\ .$$ Looking at the graph of $f$ it is then easy to set up the upper and lower sums with $\sum$ signs. In order to actually compute these sums you need formulas like $$\sum_{k=1}^N 1= N,\qquad \sum_{k=1}^N k={N(N+1)\over2}\ .$$