General Topology – How to Visualize Open Sets in Product Topology


Let $\{ X_s \}_{s \in S}$ be a family of topological spaces, then the product topology defined on the cartesian product $X := \prod_{s\in S} X_s$ is the coarsest (i.e. smallest) topology such that every projection map $\tau_s: X \to X_s$ is continuous (see PlanetMath).

Now I am interested how the open sets look like in this product topology. In my notes and textbook's I find, that the sets of the form
\prod_{s \in S} W_s

with $W_s$ open in $X_s$ and $W_s \ne X_s$ only for finitely many $s \in S$ form a base of this topology. Now I know how does the base sets look, but how does the open sets look? I know every open set could be written as an union of base sets, but because in general
(A \times B) \cup (C \times D) \ne (A \cup B) \times (C \cup D)

(just $\subset$ holds) I can not say for example that the open sets are the sets $\prod_{s \in S} W_s$ with $W_s$ open and $W_s \ne X_s$ only for finitely many $s \in S$. So, could something be said about the form of the open sets?

Best Answer

As Hui Yu says, you are not going too far with just the definition and set-theoretic operations: think about specific examples.

For instance, before fighting against scary monsters like infinite arbitrary products, how about looking for examples in the humble $\mathbb{R}^2$? Are you sure you could find out a simple characterization of the open sets there (which happen to be the same for the product topology and for the Euclidian, usual one)?

E.g., what about a set like this one:

$$ U = \left\{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2 \ \vert \ xy > 1 \ , \ x > 0 \right\} \quad \text{?} $$

It's an open set. Do you think you could describe it easily (I mean, without just repeating the definition of open sets in $\mathbb{R}^2$) in terms of the open sets of the basis of the product topology?

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